New Podcast: William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Part II: THe Journey of Han and Leia

Greetings and welcome to part 2 of my podcast on The Empire Striketh back, the 5th installment in the William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Series.

Last time I mentioned Luke’s journey and how Droesher adapts the cinematic quality into Elizabethan drama through soliloquies.This time, I’m going to talk about the other main characters, Han and Leia. In my opinion, Doescher writes their journey much better and gives them lots of good romantic and comedic dialogue. I am also privileged that this time I will have some help with the voices- two professional actors, Hal Jourdan and Janine Ashley have graciously agreed to be part of this podcast, lending their voices to Han, Leia, the Wampa, and Luke. I’m grateful for their involvement and would love for you to check out their other work onstage. Below are some Youtube clips I made using their voices. Enjoy!

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